All I Want for Christmas Is That People Stop Bashing John Lennon

Tony Sokol Live ... and undead

This story originally ran in Smashpipe on Dec. 24, 2015

By Tony Sokol

John Lennon has been dead for thirty five years, leave him alone. This is the first in a series of stories asking “when did the John Birch Society become mainstream?”

It’s the Christmas season and if you’re not feeling it yet, and you’re supposed to, maybe you’re just not listening to the right music. Christmas didn’t feel like Christmas to me when I was a kid, until I heard the Beatles Christmas messages that used to play on the radio, and were later collected onto Vinyl. You see. I was a Beatles baby, my first words were “yeah yeah yeah,” according to my mom and every year my parents bought me their albums or singles for Christmas. They bought it for themselves during the year.

Now, if you’re like me, which is unlikely in most cases, you…

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